------------ Thanks for your purchase! Please read the instructions CAREFULLY. INSTRUCTIONS: - Type the 16-character password. For UPPERCASE characters use SHIFT key. Take your time while typing password, my suggestion is to use NATO Phonetic guide under password (a-alpha, B-BRAVO, C-CHARLIE...). - Once you are done typing password, hold down left CTRL key and press ENTER key twice (CTRL-ENTER-ENTER). (Password is to be typed using a standard US QWERTY keyboard). NOTE: Sometimes if using master password within Setup/BIOS, just pressing ENTER after typing password will do. DELL Service Tag: 8NN8PR3-8FC8 password: Bs68qBLIhLr2EQD3 ------------ B - BRAVO ( UPPERCASE ) s - sierra ( lowercase ) 6 - 6 ( digit ) 8 - 8 ( digit ) q - quebec ( lowercase ) B - BRAVO ( UPPERCASE ) L - LIMA ( UPPERCASE ) I - INDIA ( UPPERCASE ) h - hotel ( lowercase ) L - LIMA ( UPPERCASE ) r - romeo ( lowercase ) 2 - 2 ( digit ) E - ECHO ( UPPERCASE ) Q - QUEBEC ( UPPERCASE ) D - DELTA ( UPPERCASE ) 3 - 3 ( digit ) ------------
------------ Thanks for your purchase! Please read the instructions CAREFULLY. INSTRUCTIONS: - Type the 16-character password. For UPPERCASE characters use SHIFT key. Take your time while typing password, my suggestion is to use NATO Phonetic guide under password (a-alpha, B-BRAVO, C-CHARLIE...). - Once you are done typing password, hold down left CTRL key and press ENTER key twice (CTRL-ENTER-ENTER). (Password is to be typed using a standard US QWERTY keyboard). NOTE: Sometimes if using master password within Setup/BIOS, just pressing ENTER after typing password will do. DELL Service Tag: 73YB2J3-8FC8 password: RjzsGzdER79ZF[8z ------------ R - ROMEO ( UPPERCASE ) j - juliett ( lowercase ) z - zulu ( lowercase ) s - sierra ( lowercase ) G - GOLF ( UPPERCASE ) z - zulu ( lowercase ) d - delta ( lowercase ) E - ECHO ( UPPERCASE ) R - ROMEO ( UPPERCASE ) 7 - 7 ( digit ) 9 - 9 ( digit ) Z - ZULU ( UPPERCASE ) F - FOXTROT ( UPPERCASE ) [ - open bracket ( punctuation mark ) 8 - 8 ( digit ) z - zulu ( lowercase ) ------------
Hi, I need an unlock for Dell Latitude 7430. Service Tag: 20J0JR3-8FC8 Transaction ID: 49667111E61596545
------------ Thanks for your purchase! Please read the instructions CAREFULLY. INSTRUCTIONS: - Type the 16-character password. For UPPERCASE characters use SHIFT key. Take your time while typing password, my suggestion is to use NATO Phonetic guide under password (a-alpha, B-BRAVO, C-CHARLIE...). - Once you are done typing password, hold down left CTRL key and press ENTER key twice (CTRL-ENTER-ENTER). (Password is to be typed using a standard US QWERTY keyboard). NOTE: Sometimes if using master password within Setup/BIOS, just pressing ENTER after typing password will do. DELL Service Tag: 20J0JR3-8FC8 password: zXJ13F655x6zBQ4J ------------ z - zulu ( lowercase ) X - X-RAY ( UPPERCASE ) J - JULIETT ( UPPERCASE ) 1 - 1 ( digit ) 3 - 3 ( digit ) F - FOXTROT ( UPPERCASE ) 6 - 6 ( digit ) 5 - 5 ( digit ) 5 - 5 ( digit ) x - x-ray ( lowercase ) 6 - 6 ( digit ) z - zulu ( lowercase ) B - BRAVO ( UPPERCASE ) Q - QUEBEC ( UPPERCASE ) 4 - 4 ( digit ) J - JULIETT ( UPPERCASE ) ------------
Hello Hi, i need unlock dell Latitude 7420 Service Tag: DFGK6M3-8FC8 ID Transaction is 6CR28180L7530680C
------------ Thanks for your purchase! Please read the instructions CAREFULLY. INSTRUCTIONS: - Type the 16-character password. For UPPERCASE characters use SHIFT key. Take your time while typing password, my suggestion is to use NATO Phonetic guide under password (a-alpha, B-BRAVO, C-CHARLIE...). - Once you are done typing password, hold down left CTRL key and press ENTER key twice (CTRL-ENTER-ENTER). (Password is to be typed using a standard US QWERTY keyboard). NOTE: Sometimes if using master password within Setup/BIOS, just pressing ENTER after typing password will do. DELL Service Tag: DFGK6M3-8FC8 password: P3EZFG9rIRZx9GP7 ------------ P - PAPA ( UPPERCASE ) 3 - 3 ( digit ) E - ECHO ( UPPERCASE ) Z - ZULU ( UPPERCASE ) F - FOXTROT ( UPPERCASE ) G - GOLF ( UPPERCASE ) 9 - 9 ( digit ) r - romeo ( lowercase ) I - INDIA ( UPPERCASE ) R - ROMEO ( UPPERCASE ) Z - ZULU ( UPPERCASE ) x - x-ray ( lowercase ) 9 - 9 ( digit ) G - GOLF ( UPPERCASE ) P - PAPA ( UPPERCASE ) 7 - 7 ( digit ) ------------
Hello, Please provide an unlock for a Latitude 5420. DBC73D3-8FC8 Id Transaction is 6LY73495EW064322L
------------ Thanks for your purchase! Please read the instructions CAREFULLY. INSTRUCTIONS: - Type the 16-character password. For UPPERCASE characters use SHIFT key. Take your time while typing password, my suggestion is to use NATO Phonetic guide under password (a-alpha, B-BRAVO, C-CHARLIE...). - Once you are done typing password, hold down left CTRL key and press ENTER key twice (CTRL-ENTER-ENTER). (Password is to be typed using a standard US QWERTY keyboard). NOTE: Sometimes if using master password within Setup/BIOS, just pressing ENTER after typing password will do. DELL Service Tag: DBC73D3-8FC8 password: Lk3mk8a2ZQ60Lk9j ------------ L - LIMA ( UPPERCASE ) k - kilo ( lowercase ) 3 - 3 ( digit ) m - mike ( lowercase ) k - kilo ( lowercase ) 8 - 8 ( digit ) a - alfa ( lowercase ) 2 - 2 ( digit ) Z - ZULU ( UPPERCASE ) Q - QUEBEC ( UPPERCASE ) 6 - 6 ( digit ) 0 - zero ( digit ) L - LIMA ( UPPERCASE ) k - kilo ( lowercase ) 9 - 9 ( digit ) j - juliett ( lowercase ) ------------
We unlock dell latitude 5401 password when system number end with -8FC8 Click the link below to buy the code for unlocking your laptop Dell https://bios-fix.com/index.php?resources/how-to-unlock-dell-with-service-tag-8fc8.215/ Time to send password 1-5 min after received payment I will refund you if password not work
Hello, Please provide an unlock for a Latitude 5310. CVDBF63-8FC8 Paypal Transaction is 091395276K0655418 Thank's Philippe
Thanks for your purchase! Please read the instructions CAREFULLY. INSTRUCTIONS: - Type the 16-character password. For UPPERCASE characters use SHIFT key. Take your time while typing password, my suggestion is to use NATO Phonetic guide under password (a-alpha, B-BRAVO, C-CHARLIE...). - Once you are done typing password, hold down left CTRL key and press ENTER key twice (CTRL-ENTER-ENTER). (Password is to be typed using a standard US QWERTY keyboard). NOTE: Sometimes if using master password within Setup/BIOS, just pressing ENTER after typing password will do. DELL Service Tag: CVDBF63-8FC8 password: BMnQ77G5GG6rWGGQ ------------ B - BRAVO ( UPPERCASE ) M - MIKE ( UPPERCASE ) n - november ( lowercase ) Q - QUEBEC ( UPPERCASE ) 7 - 7 ( digit ) 7 - 7 ( digit ) G - GOLF ( UPPERCASE ) 5 - 5 ( digit ) G - GOLF ( UPPERCASE ) G - GOLF ( UPPERCASE ) 6 - 6 ( digit ) r - romeo ( lowercase ) W - WHISKY ( UPPERCASE ) G - GOLF ( UPPERCASE ) G - GOLF ( UPPERCASE ) Q - QUEBEC ( UPPERCASE ) ------------ After entering your password, press the left Ctrl key and continue holding it, press Enter key twice.(CTRL+ Enter +Enter) My suggestion is to use NATO Phonetic guide under password (a-alpha, B-BRAVO, C-CHARLIE...) for any mistake Passwords are for QWERTY keyboard only If your keyboard is in different type - please send me your keyboard picture Also if you have problem to unlock it try with qwerty external keyboard
Click the link below to buy the code for unlocking your laptop Dell https://bios-fix.com/index.php?resources/how-to-unlock-dell-with-service-tag-8fc8.215/ Time to send password 1-5 min after received payment I will refund you if password not work
Hello, Please provide another unlock for a Latitude 5310. CR4N763-8FC8 Paypal Transaction is 3RL93363MN811203A Thank's Philippe
------------ Thanks for your purchase! Please read the instructions CAREFULLY. INSTRUCTIONS: - Type the 16-character password. For UPPERCASE characters use SHIFT key. Take your time while typing password, my suggestion is to use NATO Phonetic guide under password (a-alpha, B-BRAVO, C-CHARLIE...). - Once you are done typing password, hold down left CTRL key and press ENTER key twice (CTRL-ENTER-ENTER). (Password is to be typed using a standard US QWERTY keyboard). NOTE: Sometimes if using master password within Setup/BIOS, just pressing ENTER after typing password will do. DELL Service Tag: CR4N763-8FC8 password: MqakcQrZGNZ132Lr ------------ M - MIKE ( UPPERCASE ) q - quebec ( lowercase ) a - alfa ( lowercase ) k - kilo ( lowercase ) c - charlie ( lowercase ) Q - QUEBEC ( UPPERCASE ) r - romeo ( lowercase ) Z - ZULU ( UPPERCASE ) G - GOLF ( UPPERCASE ) N - NOVEMBER ( UPPERCASE ) Z - ZULU ( UPPERCASE ) 1 - 1 ( digit ) 3 - 3 ( digit ) 2 - 2 ( digit ) L - LIMA ( UPPERCASE ) r - romeo ( lowercase ) ------------
Hi, can you provide master password for Dell 7410 8L7Q493-8FC8 Transaction ID 8032180729SL292guh96rart8
------------ Thanks for your purchase! Please read the instructions CAREFULLY. INSTRUCTIONS: - Type the 16-character password. For UPPERCASE characters use SHIFT key. Take your time while typing password, my suggestion is to use NATO Phonetic guide under password (a-alpha, B-BRAVO, C-CHARLIE...). - Once you are done typing password, hold down left CTRL key and press ENTER key twice (CTRL-ENTER-ENTER). (Password is to be typed using a standard US QWERTY keyboard). NOTE: Sometimes if using master password within Setup/BIOS, just pressing ENTER after typing password will do. DELL Service Tag: 8L7Q493-8FC8 password: QyGBkEJNBIErm1rz ------------ Q - QUEBEC ( UPPERCASE ) y - yankee ( lowercase ) G - GOLF ( UPPERCASE ) B - BRAVO ( UPPERCASE ) k - kilo ( lowercase ) E - ECHO ( UPPERCASE ) J - JULIETT ( UPPERCASE ) N - NOVEMBER ( UPPERCASE ) B - BRAVO ( UPPERCASE ) I - INDIA ( UPPERCASE ) E - ECHO ( UPPERCASE ) r - romeo ( lowercase ) m - mike ( lowercase ) 1 - 1 ( digit ) r - romeo ( lowercase ) z - zulu ( lowercase ) ------------
Hi, can you provide master password for Dell Optiplex 3000 2S283S3-8FC8 Paypal TransaktionsID 3F8231819B609410S