Bios code 7TVP9K3-8fc8
------------ Thanks for your purchase! Please read the instructions CAREFULLY. INSTRUCTIONS: - Type the 16-character password. For UPPERCASE characters use SHIFT key. Take your time while typing password, my suggestion is to use NATO Phonetic guide under password (a-alpha, B-BRAVO, C-CHARLIE...). - Once you are done typing password, hold down left CTRL key and press ENTER key twice (CTRL-ENTER-ENTER). (Password is to be typed using a standard US QWERTY keyboard). NOTE: Sometimes if using master password within Setup/BIOS, just pressing ENTER after typing password will do. DELL Service Tag: 7TVP9K3-8FC8 password: Lr6R3daB9XzaeGB4 ------------ L - LIMA ( UPPERCASE ) r - romeo ( lowercase ) 6 - 6 ( digit ) R - ROMEO ( UPPERCASE ) 3 - 3 ( digit ) d - delta ( lowercase ) a - alfa ( lowercase ) B - BRAVO ( UPPERCASE ) 9 - 9 ( digit ) X - X-RAY ( UPPERCASE ) z - zulu ( lowercase ) a - alfa ( lowercase ) e - echo ( lowercase ) G - GOLF ( UPPERCASE ) B - BRAVO ( UPPERCASE ) 4 - 4 ( digit ) ------------
------------ Thanks for your purchase! Please read the instructions CAREFULLY. INSTRUCTIONS: - Type the 16-character password. For UPPERCASE characters use SHIFT key. Take your time while typing password, my suggestion is to use NATO Phonetic guide under password (a-alpha, B-BRAVO, C-CHARLIE...). - Once you are done typing password, hold down left CTRL key and press ENTER key twice (CTRL-ENTER-ENTER). (Password is to be typed using a standard US QWERTY keyboard). NOTE: Sometimes if using master password within Setup/BIOS, just pressing ENTER after typing password will do. Received payment, thanks Please try the password below and reply Dell latitude 7420 butuh kata sandi sistem ................................................................ DELL Service Tag: HSSC1J3-8FC8 password: ZreE76rkc0zrJG0I ------------ Z - ZULU ( UPPERCASE ) r - romeo ( lowercase ) e - echo ( lowercase ) E - ECHO ( UPPERCASE ) 7 - 7 ( digit ) 6 - 6 ( digit ) r - romeo ( lowercase ) k - kilo ( lowercase ) c - charlie ( lowercase ) 0 - zero ( digit ) z - zulu ( lowercase ) r - romeo ( lowercase ) J - JULIETT ( UPPERCASE ) G - GOLF ( UPPERCASE ) 0 - zero ( digit ) I - INDIA ( UPPERCASE ) ------------
Hi! I already paid to unlock the Dell latitude 7420, I did it via paypal, My Service Tag is: H6NV3D3-8FC8 TransactionID: 13W71658U0539221F Name: M. Wick
Received payment, thanks Please try the password below and reply Dell latitude 7420 send system password ................................................................ Service Tag: H6NV3D3-8FC8 password: NdM96GJP8byzd3DJ ------------ N - NOVEMBER ( UPPERCASE ) d - delta ( lowercase ) M - MIKE ( UPPERCASE ) 9 - 9 ( digit ) 6 - 6 ( digit ) G - GOLF ( UPPERCASE ) J - JULIETT ( UPPERCASE ) P - PAPA ( UPPERCASE ) 8 - 8 ( digit ) b - bravo ( lowercase ) y - yankee ( lowercase ) z - zulu ( lowercase ) d - delta ( lowercase ) 3 - 3 ( digit ) D - DELTA ( UPPERCASE ) J - JULIETT ( UPPERCASE ) ------------ After entering your password, press the left Ctrl key and continue holding it, press Enter key twice.(CTRL+ Enter +Enter) My suggestion is to use NATO Phonetic guide under password (a-alpha, B-BRAVO, C-CHARLIE...) for any mistake Passwords are for QWERTY keyboard only If your keyboard is in different type - please send me your keyboard picture