pls make ram disable bios nm-d031
Thanks its work
lenovo Flex 5 14ITL05 no display LC56-14T 203013-1 448.0K131.0011
Hi I have a problem with another Bios HP 15-AY051NL it starts after 60 seconds you can solve? MOTHERBOARD BDL50 LA-D704P
Lenovo YOGA 700 NOT POWER ON BOARD: nm-a601
working many thanjks
Acer A515-56 not boot motherboard LA-K093p
Dell optiplex 960 ram beep coming put ram no display, confirmed confirmed bios proplem
hey need bios bin for board : 6-71-M74H0-D02 LAPTOP MODEL: w76th
Erros not display now but IT TAKES TIME BEFORE DISPLAY
error: fw init done bit not set after 20s Can you help me clear this error model: hp x360 elitebook 1030 G2 board: 6050A2848001-MB-A01
Tried it work OK
model : HP 15s-EQ1040nl I NEED TO BIOS FOR HP 15s-EQ1040nl WITH MOTHERBOARD DA0P5FMB6A0 REV.A CAN YOU TO HELP ME? Hi, the problem remains...