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Unlock Fujitsu-Siemens bios Password new models 1.0

fujitsu bios password

  1. Administrator
    If you have a Fujitsu Siemens 24 characters 6×4 hexadecimal digits we will give you the possibility for you to remove the password from BIOS
    • Power on your laptop and wait for the password screen
    • Enter the following strings: 3hqgo3, jqw534 and 0qww294e (this is QWERTY keyboard & QWERTZ (German keyboard) ) in the exact order, following each of them by pressing the <Enter> key.
      Power on your laptop and wait for the password screen
      Enter the following strings:

      3 - 3 ( digit )
      h - hotel ( lowercase )
      q - quebec ( lowercase )
      g - golf ( lowercase )
      o - oscar ( lowercase )
      3 - 3 ( digit )

      and press Enter

      j - juliett ( lowercase )
      q - quebec ( lowercase )
      w - whisky ( lowercase )
      5 - 5 ( digit )
      3 - 3 ( digit )
      4 - 4 ( digit )

      and press Enter
    • 0qww294e
      0 - zero ( digit )
      q - quebec ( lowercase )
      w - whisky ( lowercase )
      w - whisky ( lowercase )
      2 - 2 ( digit )
      9 - 9 ( digit )
      4 - 4 ( digit )
      e - echo ( lowercase )

    • and press Enter
    • You will receive System disabled code from which the password can be calculated.
    If your laptop keyboard is AZERTY please try


    and press Enter


    and press Enter


    and press Enter

    fujitsu Q739 tablet..jpg
    • Click button Buy Now (above) to buy the password (if you did not see Buy Now button please log in or sign up the account)

    Use link below to send 20Euro with your Credit or Debit card

    Send payment with your Credit or Debit card


    If you want to pay with paypal use link below


    i will refund you if password not work

    We send to you the master password and you must type it on password prompt and then the laptop gets unlock

    If password not work i will refund you

    if you have problem to make payment please contact us :

    Add my skype: [email protected]

    Telegram: bios_fix

    Join Telegram: https://t.me/bios_fix

    WhatsApp: +16176147065

    Join WhatsApp:


    Join my skype:


    Join telegram channel :


    After payment processing, your master password will be sent immediately (to your email and PayPal email address)

    • VERY IMPORTANT:Do not power off the computer once you provide us with a password. There’s a unique password for every system disabled.Don’t turn off your notebook, don’t restart it, don’t enter anything except generated code.
    Your laptop was unlocked
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