Hi, i did the payment right now, trasaction code is 4KK51703401554742 i need admin password for Latitude 7320 Detachable Lock code is: 3X7TPN3-8FC8 https://bios-fix.com/index.php?resources/how-to-unlock-dell-with-service-tag-8fc8.215/ Thanks al lot!
Received payment, thanks Please try the password below and reply Dell Latitude 7320 Detachable need uefi admin code ................................................................ Service Tag: 3X7TPN3-8FC8 password: z92Re5Wjpm[ak2rz ------------ z - zulu ( lowercase ) 9 - 9 ( digit ) 2 - 2 ( digit ) R - ROMEO ( UPPERCASE ) e - echo ( lowercase ) 5 - 5 ( digit ) W - WHISKY ( UPPERCASE ) j - juliett ( lowercase ) p - papa ( lowercase ) m - mike ( lowercase ) [ - open bracket ( punctuation mark ) a - alfa ( lowercase ) k - kilo ( lowercase ) 2 - 2 ( digit ) r - romeo ( lowercase ) z - zulu ( lowercase ) ------------ After entering your password, press the left Ctrl key and continue holding it, press Enter key twice.(CTRL+ Enter +Enter) My suggestion is to use NATO Phonetic guide under password (a-alpha, B-BRAVO, C-CHARLIE...) for any mistake Passwords are for QWERTY keyboard only If your keyboard is in different type - please send me your keyboard picture